Friday, November 11, 2011

Yo Eleven!!

Mon Deuce!  11/11/11 must be my lucky day! A major local blog linked to my site, and reviewed my debut performance as "thought provoking." That's incredible, because when a comedian combines huge laughs with huge thoughts... anything is possible!

Best yet, this highly public praise for Lane Sperkus comes while The New Movement (which is not a laxative)  hosts the inaugural Hell Yes Comedy Fest. Then, to top it off, @Champsuperstar retwatted one of my witticisms to her thousands of followers this afternoon.

Friends: as the date aligns, so do the stars of my destiny.


Web Traffic Stunami!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

You just know that...

...somewhere out there there's a Penn St. fan whose dog, "JoePaws," likes to hump people's legs. No one cared till today, and now everyone involved feels gross.