Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Reprint of my 4/1/20 Farcebook post

Here's some cheese... today marks a year since I started regularly doing stand-up comedy. I had dabbled with it now and then (since 2011), and have always been a fan, but this past year was different because I PERSEVERED! Despite all the embarrassment and self-disgust, I kept doing it in an attempt to answer some questions.
Primarily I wanted to see if I could:
1) actually write a joke
2) tell it on stage in a manner that received laughs.
Last April Fool’s those were VERY open questions, but I summoned the courage to get up and perform at Bear with Me Open Mic and… well the questions remained unanswered BUT it was a start and I kept going— that’s the important part— and I continued getting up at open mics around town. I don’t have an exact count but I logged over 100 performances in 2019, plus a number of showcases!
I performed indoors and outdoors, at bars and breweries, at new and established shows. Even my all-time favorite show, Comedy Catastrophe, let me have a moment in the spotlight. It’s been a helluva thrill.
I want to thank the supportive and talented comedy community in New Orleans. There’s quite honestly too many people to name: all the hosts of open mics, show producers, fellow comedians, venue staff, local comedy fans… you’ve been very accepting and generous. I appreciate it and am filled with gratitude. As an old-timer I know would say, 'My heart is as big as a pumpkin for y’all.'
So it’s been a fantastic year for me in comedy, and I’ve far surpassed all the goals I initially set. I’ve given it a lot of thought, and now seems like the appropriate time to announce:
I’m gonna keep doing it! Let’s see what year two has in store! Sure it’s off to a weird start, but I miss it and want to keep going (despite the embarrassment and self-disgust).